Healthy Meals in West Valley Schools

Aug 28, 2024

West Valley receives Healthy Meals Award

The West Valley School District is proud to announce that our Child Nutrition Department has received a Healthy Meals Incentives Recognition Award for making improvements to the nutritional quality of our school meals program.

West Valley received the Innovation in the Preparation of School Meals Award which is nationally recognized by the US Department of Agriculture. This award celebrates breakfast and lunch meal items made from scratch.

Each year under the leadership of Magieline Benedicto, Director of Child Nutrition, West Valley has expanded our Farm-to-School program. Farm-to-School is a program through which schools buy and feature locally sourced foods. The West Valley School District is committed to serving a variety of Washington-grown fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, beef, and seafood. We continue to grow our Farm-to-School efforts each year to support local agriculture and bring it into our cafeterias to serve our students.

Thank you to all of our staff members from the Child Nutrition Department as well as all of our students who have participated in “Taste Tests” and recipe contests in the past. Look for more opportunities in the 2024/25 school year to help our work for continuous improvement!

Farm-to-School in September

Peaches & Nectarines – Rembrandt, Wapato, WA

Plums & Pluots – Rowley & Hawkins Farm, Mesa, WA

Watermelon & Cantaloupe – Yakama Nation Farms, Wapato, WA

Red Potatoes – Bouchey Potatoes, Wapato, WA

Organic Flour for Baked Goods – Cascade Milling, Royal City, WA

Yogurt for Parfaits & Ranch Dressing – Grace Harbor Farms, Custer, WA

Healthy Meals Award
West Valley receives Healthy Meals Award