Resources related to:
Radio stations to listen for school closure information.
Resources for parents to help students learn from home.
Comprehensive list of WVSD Forms
Ideas and activities for time at home
"Parents Make the Difference" Newsletters
2024-2025 Fee Schedule
Sign up for Flash Alerts to receive emails regarding school delays, school closures, and other important information.
These requirements fully meet the Minimal College Admission Standards required in Washington State.
Instructions on how to use the online store
Current Calendars.
Parents have the option to request that YouTube be blocked from their student. If you choose to block YouTube, your student will not have access on district devices, both in and outside of school.
Complete the attached form to apply for a WVHS Parking Permit
Download this PDF to learn about appropriate behavior expected of WVSD students.
Freshman Transition
Information for students to be successful their Junior year
Information for students to be successful their Junior year
Information helping students be successful in their sophomore year
Find safe walking routes for your children at every school.
Download this PDF for instructions on how to schedule a conference with your student's teacher in Skyward.
Find all school supply lists here for the 2024-2025 school year!
Stay in the know with you student's grades and school happenings.
Password assistance for Skyward Family Access. Students and families.
Grades K-5
Information and Request Form for Voluntary Student Insurance.
Information and Appeal Process regarding WAC 392 400
You may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s) or instructional Paraprofessional(s).
En cumplimiento con los requisitos de la Ley Cada Estudiante Triunfa (Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA), West Valley School District desea informarle que usted puede solicitar información sobre la calificación profesional del (los) maestro(s) o Paraprofesional(es) educativos de su hijo.
Family tips to help their students at home.
It’s more important than ever before that we remember that anxiety impacts children’s ability to learn. So trauma-informed strategies are really great practice for everyone working with any children.
Official OSPI website and information surrounding student success, educator support and more.
How To - Tutorial